And I can't eat them. Each cookie itself has something like a stick of butter in it, and the dulce de leche is milk based caramel. Hence. No Alfajores for me. And that is not fair, at all. So after watching Sorin eat his 10,000th alfajore, something in me snapped. I wanted one. So the only thing to do was to make them.
Maybe I'll share them with him. Maybe I won't. :-)
So I did some research on this typical Argentine dulce, and there was not a lot of variety out there for either the cookie or the filling. It is a simple cookie and most of the variety seems to be additions to the cookie, such as a sugar glaze, dipping in chocolate or rolling the cookie in coconut.
It amuses me, before I even posted this, before the experimentation began, I have been reprimanded by Argentine friends that what I am making is not alfajores - they can not be - alfajores MUST have butter and dulce de leche or they are NOT alfajores. Never have I come across a people so passionate about their traditional foods. :o) So I will NOT be calling these Alfajores - I have yet to come up with the right name, so suggestions are welcome. One suggestion already received was Debbijore - but the phonetic pronunciation "Debbi Hore" is, well....... not such a good idea I think.......
So here is what my research produced. I have to say, I am a fan of this cookie. Although preliminary results (aka Sorin's 2 cents) are that the dulce de Non-Leche is very tasty, but not Dulce de Leche-like. It is more chocolatey - which I attribute to the coconut milk.
Cookie Recipe - so easy it kills me.....
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup margarine, room temp and cut into cubes
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla
Put everything but the almond milk in a bowl, use a pastry blender, mix all ingredients until dry and crumbly. Now, if you have a food processor - awesome - pulse it for a few seconds until crumbly. For those of us without modern equipment, it will take a few minutes. :o)
Once crumbly, slowly add the almond milk and blend. I broke it down into three separate additions of almond milk. On the third addition, really watch your dough, it needs to be incorporated into a ball, but not sticky. If you get sticky, add a little flour.
Wrap in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes while you make the filling.
Dulce De Non-Leche - slightly difficult to make, but sooooo worth it!
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup margarine
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup muscovado sugar
1/2 cup honey (non pasturized)
1 tsp vanilla
Mix the sugars, honey and vanilla in a large sauce pan and caramalize. In a separate pan, warm the coconut milk and margarine until the margarine is melted and incorporated into the coconut milk.
once the sugars are caramelized, add the warmed coconut milk mixture. STIR constantly! Bring to a boil and then reduce and cook over very low heat.
How do you know when it is done?? Well, when the caramel is thickened and slightly viscous and smells like butter and sugar and chocolate.
isn't this just gorgeous?!?!? |
Do you know that feeling when you are making scrambled eggs over very low heat, and they just start to turn from thick liquid to soft eggs? That is the feel you want in this caramel. Easy? No. I screwed up twice. If you over cook the caramel, it instantly turns to a burnt sugary mess. So here are some pictures from my failure. If you over boil it, it will look like marshmellow, and then seize into a solid lump of granular nasty.
Houston, we have a problem.... |
NOT Caramel!! - FAIL!!! |
Take the cookie dough out of the fridge, roll it out if you have a rolling pin and the much desired counter space. If you don't, break off 2" sized balls, knead in your hands for about a minute, then roll into a ball and flatten in your palm. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool completely.
Now the cookie itself if flakey and almost pastry crust like. I ate one alone and was rather disappointed. It was nothing. But then I added the caramel to it and I realized that the flakiness was the perfect vehicle for the sweet sticky caramel. Perfect!
So once the cookies are completely cooled, and the caramel is also cooled to room temp, spoon the caramel onto a cookie, then sandwich it with another. Mine are a little ghetto looking as I did not have a rolling pin, pastry board, oh yeah - or counter space, so they are a little chunky and not super elegant. But that's ok. I love them anyway. :o)
Once you have the cookies filled and sandwiched, there are some traditional treatments to the cookies. I rolled mine in coconut, which did an admirable job of keeping the caramel inside the cookie.
as you can see, some of the caramel tried to get away, but the coconut is keeping it sort of contained.... |
Other treatments you can use are dipping the cookie in chocolate, or making a sugar glaze and dipping it in that. Both are too sweet for my taste, so I am sticking with the coconut.
do you hear my stomach growl?! that's amazing what you can do with simple ingredients!